Thanks to Lynn Janaskie and the Garland County Master Gardeners for working with our Ag Classes in developing a pollinator garden in Legacy Park.
Safe Room A & B are now unlocked for anyone that needs shelter. Stay safe!
Cobra Expo - April 20, 2022 - 1-5PM - Saferoom A
Athletic physicals will be held on campus May 2nd and 3rd
Current 6th - 8th graders
5/2 starting at 1:45
Students will be called to the gym by grade level
Current 9th - 11th graders
5/3 starting at 1:45
Students will be called to the gym by grade level
Students who do not have their physical completed here will have to have proof of a current physical before being allowed to participate in athletics.
The baseball game scheduled for today @ Hope has been postponed until next Monday 4/18.
School Board Meeting - Monday, April 11, 2022 - 5PM - Board Room, Administration Building
Interactive Agenda:
On Thursday, April 7, 2022, the district received information pertaining to threatened violence to take place on campus on Friday, April 8, 2022. School District Administrators and Ben Riley, Fountain Lake School District Chief of Police, are investigating these threats and have identified the student involved. The student has been removed from campus until the investigation is complete and disciplinary action is determined. We are thankful to the students who brought forward these concerns and have assisted in the investigation. Student and staff safety is always central to our focus.
COVID IMPACT-April 4, 2022
Congratulations to all of our basketball players that received postseason recognition! Give them a pat on the back the next time you see them!
All Conference:
Paige Davis
Mary Drakes
Evan East
Landin Kizer
Colby Lambert
Kara Martin
Michael Moore
Juan Diggs (honorable mention)
Landin Kizer
Colby Lambert
All-State Tournament Team:
Michael Moore
Drivers Ed is being offered at Fountain Lake this June!
Cobra Bass Club held its first tournament this Saturday on Lake Hamilton
Sr High division
1st place - Nicolas Johnson
2nd - Evan East
Jr High division
1st place - Hayden Graves
2nd place - Carter Cullpepper
Big Bass - Evan East
Chartwells (Our Food Service Program) is now hiring for both part-time and full-time job positions for the Fountain Lake School District. If you are interested, please apply online.
Middle School and High School students enjoyed today’s high energy Anti-bullying Assembly!
All Juniors will be taking the ACT test on campus tomorrow. Please remind them to bring chrome books, chargers, headphones, and calculators. Room locations will be posted at the high school office and the annex building.  Please do not get on the bus for National Park. Email Ginger Henson ( if you have questions. You may want to bring a snack, get some rest and Go Cobras!
The softball game against Arkadelphia on 3/30 has been postponed due to weather.
The baseball game against Cutter on 3/31 has been cancelled due to field conditions.
Letterman jacket orders have been moved to Thursday 3/31 at 12:15 in the Auditorium lobby.
COVID IMPACT-March 28, 2022
Updated each Monday, unless a significant change occurs.
Today's baseball and softball games vs. Arkadelphia have been postponed.
Cobras Update - March 2022