Sports physicals are going to be next Monday (middle school) and Tuesday (high school). Students MUST have a completed Health History form (linked below) or else they will NOT be given a physical on those dates. Parents can complete this form, and players can return them to their coaches.
Health History Form:
Fountain Lake is proud to host our Senior Celebration Night on May 9th beginning at 6 PM. Dinner will be provided as we recognize the academic accomplishments of the Class of 2022. Because of the location in Saferoom A , limited seating is available. Each senior is allowed only two guests. It is important we get a good seat count for our caterers so please make sure your Senior has answered the survey by Monday, May 2nd. This RSVP Form is meant to be completed by members of the graduating class of 2022.
Shout out to this group of kids who saw a place they could help and jumped in without hesitation! Thanks everyone for your help with the Pre-K playground!
Today's baseball and softball games at Arkadelphia have been postponed until this Thursday due to field conditions.
Those students who have ordered a cap and gown, it will be here tomorrow, April 26th at 10:00 AM. They will be handed out in front of the auditorium. Herff Jones will only be here for a short time to hand out the cap and gowns. Those that are left will be in the office for pickup. If someone still owes, they will need to bring either cash, a card, or a check made out to Central Graduate Supply. If you have not already ordered your cap and gown, please go by and see Mrs. Keys IMMEDIATELY.
Did Your Child Attend FACES after school this year?
If so, we value your opinion. Please fill out the state required parent survey below (the deadline to fill out the survey is this Friday, April 29th).
It is a short 7 minute survey that will ensure we continue to get funding for our after school program next year. Thanks in advance for your help with this.
Steve Freeman & Jennifer Hogue
Fountain Lake School District
Family Survey Link:
Family Survey QR Code:
Tonight's baseball game against Hope has been moved to Nashville High School due to field conditions.
Parents of Seniors,
Reminder to all that Prom is May 6 with Project Prom following directly after at Walnut Valley Baptist Church. We are in need of parents’ support and it's not too late to donate to this event. Our goal is to provide every senior with a prize, but due to shortage of funds it may not happen.
In addition to money or merchandise we also need help in providing adult supervision for the evening. You are not required to stay for the entire evening. If you also would like to help provide snacks for the evening we are also in need of those. Please contact LeAnn Westerman (501-802-4308 or for more information.
COBRA EXPO - TODAY, APRIL 20, 2022 - 1-5PM
We are very excited to announce that our solar power plant is now operational!
Fountain Lake School District and Scenic Hill Solar entered a partnership in 2020 to provide 90% of Fountain Lake School District's power consumption.
Scenic Hill owns and operates the solar power plant, and we are purchasing our electricity from them. The $1.5 million project provided local jobs in a time of unprecedented economic contraction, and will save the district more than $1.8 million over the next 28 years.
Key Facts:
How much did this project cost the district? $0.00
How much do we currently pay Entergy per kilowatt hour (kWh)? $0.13
What will our new rate be? Scenic Hill Solar will charge us $0.06 per kWh with a minimal increase over 28 years
Produce over 1,655,800 kWh of electricity in the first year of operation and over 46,000,000 kWh of electricity over the next 28 years
Produce enough clean electricity to satisfy 90% of the Fountain Lake School District's electricity consumption
Reduce carbon emissions by over 32,690 metric tons which is the equivalent of: driving over 81 million fewer passenger car miles or eliminating the burning of over 36 million pounds of coal or providing over 5,535 homes electricity for one year.
I would like to thank our board of education for their dedication and governance with building the future of Fountain Lake School District.
Thank You,
Hayden Fusilier
Today's baseball game vs. Hope has been postponed.
Today’s baseball and softball games have been moved to Hot Springs High’s fields due to field conditions. A big THANK YOU to the Hot Springs Athletic Department for the help!
ACT scores from the March 31 junior test are available on
Congratulations to the 36 Seniors signing letters of intent to continue their educational careers in college and career programs next Fall.
36 Seniors signed letters of intent to continue their education in college or career programs next Fall.
Way to go, 8th grade Quiz Bowl on your 2nd place Tournament victory!
Congratulations to Senior Trent Hughes and Junior Sarah Desfassiaux on their gold and silver medal performances in the Skills USA competition. Desfassiaux won the silver medal in Customer Service and Hughes qualified for National Competition with his gold medal in Job Interview. Both are enrolled in Fountain Lake’s Career Internship Program.
Elementary Lost and Found—cool mornings and warm afternoons cause the Lost and Found to grow. If your child is missing a jacket or hoodie, it’s probably hanging in the K-1 Hallway! Please claim your missing items!
Congratulations to the following Jr. Beta Club students for competing and placing in each of their events at last week's state convention:
Ethan Shaffett - B&W Photography (3rd) & Math-7 (5th)
Sophie Wyatt & Hayden Reddin - Club Trading Pin (3rd)
Julie Richardson - LA-6 (5th)
Aiden Carter - LA-7 (1st)
Eli Schrader - LA-8 (4th)
Nathan Topf - Math-8 (4th)
Sophie Wyatt, Abby Burden, Treyton Gray, & Dillon Dettmering - Marketing & Communications (2nd)
Anabelle Kramarenko - Mixed Media (4th)
Christian O'Neal, Cole Thomas, Miranda Sahm, Anne Claire Richardson - Service Learning (5th)
Meagan Tillery - Speech (3rd)
Addison Moore & Hayden Reddin - Performing Arts - Duet (4th)
Alyssa Watson - Painting (2nd)
Christian O'Neal, River Robertson, Carter Culpepper, Isac Wilhite, Miranda Sahm, Anne Claire Richardson, Sophie Wyatt, Addison Moore, Meagan Tillery, Nathan Topf, Abby Burden, and Liam Peters - Performing Arts - Group (2nd)
Hayden Reddin, Addison Moore, & Sophie Wyatt - 3D Design (5th)
Treyton Gray, Dillon Dettmering, Cooper Buss, Cole Thomas, and Jackson Hinson - Engineering (1st)
These Betas worked for months preparing for their competition and their hard work paid off. A lot of them will be eligible to go to the national convention in Nashville, TN, in June.
On campus Blood Drive - Thursday, April 14, 2022 -8:30-1:30PM.