over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake School District
We are so happy to introduce you to some of the new faces at FLMS!! #meettheteacher
over 1 year ago, Sarah Inman
We are excited to announce our new lunch room app LINQ Connect!! Once you download the app you will need to “Register” for a new account. Once registered, you will need to link your student(s) account by tapping the three vertical dots in the upper right corner, and choose “Link Person” (You will need to know your student(s) ID; same as their lunch room number) If you don't know the Student ID, please call your building office. If you already registered for an account while filling out a meal benefit form you will be able to use the same login information. We are no longer using MySchoolBucks. LINQ Connect is the replacement. With LINQ Connect you can: Fill out a meal benefit form Check district menus Add money to your student(s) account
over 1 year ago, Hayden Fusilier
LINQ Connect
Join us, for the 1st Annual Fall Sports Showcase! Friday, August 18th from 6-8:30 p.m. Admission: donations of laundry detergent, towels, or bottled water!
over 1 year ago, Sarah Inman
Back to School Events
over 1 year ago, Carmen Keys
27 days until school starts! Our elementary staff have been working hard to plan and prepare our curriculum for our best year yet. Game on! đź’ś
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake Elementary
second grade
data wall
Attention 5th Grade Parents!! 5th grade Orientation is right around the corner. We hope to see you there! August 3, 2023 from 5-7 pm đź’ś
over 1 year ago, Sarah Inman
Did you know that it's more than a meal? Free and Reduced lunch applications affect funding in many areas! ALL families are encouraged to complete the meal application to ensure continued funding to support ALL students in our district! Apply Online: https://linqconnect.com (Click Start Meal Application & Select Fountain Lake School District) Thank you, Fountain Lake School District
over 1 year ago, Hayden Fusilier
Meal App
Fountain Lake School District Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 13, 2023 at 5PM in the Administration Building Board Room. The meeting agenda is linked below: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1C-XwGMA0OsudCxV_N6SLUbTUTPGQFM2ZRSRw4z-V6g8/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake School District
Cobra Logo
Pee Wee football registration for Tuesday July 11 has been moved to Thursday July 13 from 5:00-7:00 pm. If your child has not signed up please do so as soon as possible. See you Thursday.
over 1 year ago, Matt Carter
Our FL Elementary Beta Club students returned last night from our National Beta Convention in Louisville, Kentucky! This year we had 8 students compete in multiple categories at the state level AND national level. We are so proud of all of our students who competed! We are especially proud to share that we have 2 National plaques that we brought home with us this year!! This is the FIRST time in our Elementary Beta Club's history that we've proudly brought home National plaques. We would like to give a HUGE congratulations to the following 5th Grade students: 1. Whitley Egleston who 3rd Place in the NATION in Black & White Photography out of 37th participants. 2. Landan Wilhite, Max Carter, Jaxton Gray, & Kipton Ford who placed 10th Place in the NATION in the Performing Arts Small Groups out of 23 groups. Thank you to their sponsors, Corey Jackson and Kathryn James for all your dedication to their success.
over 1 year ago, Sarah Inman
Reminder, Pee Wee Football registration will be tonight from 5:00-7:00 pm at the football field. Please come out and sign up.
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake Athletics
All Fountain Lake Athletic Programs will be observing "Dead Weeks" from June 25-July 8, 2023. All athletic facilities will be closed throughout the "Dead Weeks".
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake School District
cobra logo
The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Fountain Lake School District Board of Education will be held on Monday, June 19, 2023 at 5:00PM. The meeting agenda is linked below:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jkksSofADvrGjqnMepcuZKg-rRkDFOaP8WBy8uZiit4/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake School District
Cobra Logo
2023 Pee Wee Football Registration. We will do registration and equipment sizing at the football field on 6/20, 6/23, 7/11, and 7/25. Registration will take place from 5-7pm on the days listed.
over 1 year ago, Matt Carter
Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, June 14,  The football field and track will be closed down to apply our new track surface.  Please be sure to pass the word to stay off the track until the project is complete.  If there are no interruptions in terms of weather, the project should be complete by Monday, June June 26.  
over 1 year ago, Matt Carter
Congratulations to all of our Beta Club members and sponsors on all of the efforts that you have undertaken this year to earn the National Beta Club District of Distinction for the 2022-2023 school year. Way to Go!
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake School District
Beta Club District of Distinction
Congratulations to Magnus Nobles on your election to State Auditor at Arkansas Boys State. Winning a statewide position at Boys State is an outstanding accomplishment. We are proud of you and the way that you are representing Fountain Lake!
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake School District
Nobles - Boys State Auditor
Thanks to our good friends at Hot Springs VIllage Church of Christ for packing the summer food boxes for our some of our families.
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake School District
Be sure to visit the Cobra Reading Pit outside of Safe Room A from 9AM-Noon on the following Wednesdays: June 7, 14, 21, 28 and July 12, 19!
over 1 year ago, Fountain Lake School District
Cobra Reading Pit