Congratulations to kindergarten teacher Kristy Riggs for being recognized as Garland County’s sweetest teacher for 2020! So proud of her! She loves her kids and is dedicated Fountain Lake Cobra! 💜
almost 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Kristy Riggs, Garland County’s sweetest teacher!
Red Ribbon Week 2020! Dear Parents, We are so excited about Red Ribbon Week this year! It will be held the week of October 26th – 30th. We are going all out with a classroom door decorating contest, red ribbons, dress up days, and trick or treating for all grade on Friday the 30th during the school day. If you would like to donate bags of candy for our trick or treat, please label it (Mrs. Davis – Red Ribbon). Monday: Black Out Drugs! (wear all black, red ribbons will be given) Tuesday: Drugs Aren’t in My Future! (career dress up) Wednesday: Give Drugs the Boot! (western day) Thursday: Don’t Get Mixed Up in Drugs! (wacky day) Friday: BOO to Drugs!!! (wear your Halloween costume & trick or treat!)
almost 4 years ago, Katie Curry
What is Virtual Friday for Elementary? Virtual Fridays in the elementary will look much like a normal school day for us. We will be teaching, reviewing, and pulling small groups to meet students' academic needs. We are encouraging all students to attend, however, if your family chooses to take advantage of this day you will need to let your child's teacher know. Please communicate with your child’s teacher the day before to request a device. There will be no new assignments assigned on Fridays, and the student can work independently on the educational websites they use at school and read. We will not be sending home hotspots. It is very important that if your child takes a device home they bring it back, as they use them every day. Attendance will not be held against anyone on Virtual Fridays. However, if your child is struggling academically and needing support, your child’s teacher may request that they come on Fridays. This will start Friday, October 30th. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you for your support and flexibility! Mrs. Curry 
almost 4 years ago, Katie Curry
We are looking forward to speaking with you all at conferences this week. Please take a moment to fill out our brief survey. Thank you and we appreciate your input! Mrs. Curry
almost 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Please read this important safety message. Car rider line for the elementary ends at 8 am each morning. According to our handbook policy, if you bring your child after that time they will need to be checked in at the K-1 or 2-4 office and will be counted tardy. After 8 am there are no adults present to unload your child and we do not allow the students to get out of the car by themselves without a staff member. Safety is a top priority for all students and it is vital they are not dropped off without an adult present. Thank you for your cooperation with this matter and I appreciate your support in following our school policies. Mrs. Curry
almost 4 years ago, Katie Curry
This week there will be no elementary FACES programing after school on Tues, October 20th and Thursday, October 22nd, due to parent teacher conferences on those two evenings. If your child attends FACES on either of those days, and you have special instructions on how they are to go home on Tuesday and Thursday of this week, please contact the school office by note or phone call.
almost 4 years ago, Steve Freeman
Good afternoon! We have almost made it through the first nine weeks successfully! Thank you for your support, cooperation, and trust in us with your child each day! We appreciate that you, as parents/guardians, are a vital part of our team that works together to provide the best environment for your child to grow! Next week we will be having Targeted Parent-Teacher Conferences next week on Tuesday, October 20th, and Thursday, October 22nd from 3:30-6:30 PM. To safely conduct conferences this year, teachers will or may already have scheduled appointments with you. Should you need to communicate with a teacher, please contact her/him to schedule an appointment. Appointments may be held face to face, by phone, or virtually. All conferences are being held by appointment only. Face masks and health screenings are required to enter the buildings. All parents are encouraged to reach out to teachers at any time they have questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding as we have to undertake these conferences in this manner and for your continued support this school year! Mrs. Curry
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Homecoming is next week! Here is our dress up schedule to show our COBRA spirit! Monday- Neon Day Tuesday- Disney Day Wednesday- Red, White, and Blue Day Thursday- Camo Day Friday- Purple and Gold Day
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Thank you to Mr. Kolash and our fourth grade student leaders for helping deliver food bags each week to elementary students!
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Please watch video and see attached flyer if you would like to participate in our local Cub Scouts.
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Cub Scout Flyer
Online book fair starts today if you'd like to participate.
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
We are excited to announce that we now have a digital Cobra Community Resource Binder! Thank you to our elementary counselor, Mrs. Jill Davis, for providing us with this helpful and user-friendly resource. Mrs. Davis co-created the resource earlier this year, shortly before graduating with her Master's Degree in School Counseling. To view our new Cobra Community Resource Binder, please click the following link or visit
about 4 years ago, Madison Burfeind
Fall Pictures will be next Friday, September 18th. A picture form will be sent home with your child. These will be prepay order only this year and must be sent on or before the day of pictures. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Free and Reduced Lunch forms are due on September 15th. We need these forms submitted in order to prepare for the spring semester. If you have not received a form, please contact us or print the form that is on our website. Last week, the Arkansas Child Nutrition Unit announced that the USDA has extended the Seamless Summer Operation program through December 31st, 2020- or until funding has been exhausted. This means that all students will be able to eat one school breakfast and one school lunch per day at no cost. Any student wanting an extra breakfast, lunch, or à la carte item must purchase those items separately. Students will still need to use their ID cards.
about 4 years ago, Madison Burfeind
Parents, We are excited to announce that today (Tuesday, September 8th) is the first day of our FACES elementary after school program.  If your child is enrolled in the program, they will be staying at school after dismissal on the days your child is signed up to attend.  We will be following the same hygiene and social distancing guidelines after school, that we do during the school day.  You can pick up your child in the elementary cafeteria anytime before 6pm.  Per school guidelines, everyone ten and older must wear a mask when in the building to pickup a student.  You can reach the after school program by dialing 701-1700, and selecting extension #1779.
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Reminder that today is Early Release Wednesday. K-4 car rider dismissal starts at 1:40, and buses dismiss at 2:20. PreK pickup is at 2:20 as soon as buses leave campus.
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
To allow our staff to work as professional learning communities, all dismissal times will be one hour earlier every Wednesday beginning tomorrow August 26, 2020. K-4 car rider pick up begins at 1:40 and all bus riders at 2:20. 5-12 car riders begin at 2:20.
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
Thank you so much to all our parents for helping make today a great first day back to school! We appreciate your trust in us, support, and cooperation following all our new procedures.
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
We are looking forward to seeing FLES students on Monday, August 24th for the first day of school. Please review this important traffic procedure video:
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry
3rd and 4th grade students need to bring chromebook to the first day of school, Monday, August 24th. Please make sure it is charged. Thank you!
about 4 years ago, Katie Curry